No matter your age, good nutrition is essential for good health.
Senior hunger and nutrition are significant issues in the U.S., with more than 10 million older Americans at risk of hunger and about 10% of adults experiencing malnutrition. The good news is that SeniorAge offers meal programs to help individuals access the food they need and community-based programs to support older adults in developing healthy eating habits.
We have meal options for you!
Cooking and serving nutritious, delicious meals to individuals 60 and older are at the core of SeniorAge daily operations. We strive to provide more variety and quality lunches in a relaxed, fun environment where you will be welcomed by friendly staff and caring individuals. If you are age 60 and older, you may enjoy lunch in our dining rooms, regardless of your ability to contribute; however, we encourage contributions to help fund the program. Individuals younger than 60 are welcome to enjoy lunch for the actual cost of the meal.
Meal contributions are just that… contributions. We don’t deny nutritional meals to individuals 60 and over based on their inability to pay. Contributions are encouraged as it helps ensure our program has the sustainability to continue for those that need it. The suggested contribution for meals is $4.00.
Senior Center Meals (also known as Congregate Meals) provide a hot noon meal and time to gather with friends for social activities, conversation, and fun. Senior Center meals are available for any senior (ages 60+) and their spouse. A suggested contribution is posted at each senior center to help cover a portion or full cost of the meal. Guests under age 60 may also enjoy a meal with a senior at the full price ($8.00). A punch card for meals at Senior Centers is available for purchase (and makes a great gift). Punch cards may be used at any Senior Center that is part of the SeniorAge Senior Center meals program.
Home-Delivered Meals
Home-Delivered Meals are available to individuals (ages 60+) who meet the eligibility requirements (and their caregivers) and reside where these meals are offered. Those receiving meals will be sent a monthly statement with a suggested contribution amount to offset the cost of the meals. Contact your local senior center for eligibility requirements.
Volunteer drivers deliver these meals, offering a short conversation and informal wellness check for individuals receiving the meals. This short visit is often the highlight of an isolated and lonely senior’s day, as well as fosters independent living, a sense of security, and helps to prevent premature or unnecessary admittance into a care facility.
Frozen meals can also be delivered for the weekend as well as for holidays and center closings.
Meal Sponsor Opportunities
If you would like to sponsor meals for a senior, punch cards may be purchased through the senior centers or our home office in Springfield. The cost of the cards is $35 which covers the cost of 10 meals. You may also sponsor meals for a home-bound client at the same price.
- $40 provides 10 meals
- $80 provides 20 meals
- $120 provides 30 meals
- $240 provides 60 meals
Businesses who wish to sponsor senior meals will receive recognition for the meals delivered to the individuals.