Please see below special announcements on SeniorAge Administrative Processes and Appeals.
Board of Directors Appeals Presentation
Administrative Rules Board of Directors Hearing Appeal Process for Service Providers to ensure that the Board of Directors has an opportunity to make a fair and reasonable decision regarding an aggrieved service provider and/or applicant, the Administration has adopted the following rules.
1. The hearing will be open to the public. Seating is limited. Attendees will be seated on a first come, first serve basis. No one will be allowed to stand.
2. Only one employee of the aggrieved party may participate in the hearing and present information to the Board of Directors. The employee must have participated in preparing a response to a request for proposal, procurement by sealed bid or procurement by noncompetitive proposals; and/or participated in the process related to the procurement method. No attorneys or other designees will be allowed to present information to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may elicit information from other applicants or service providers as it deems appropriate. The Board of Directors will consider only information presented by an employee of the aggrieved party who in some way participated in the procurement process.
3.The participating employee of the aggrieved party will be given twenty (20) minutes to present information to the SeniorAge Board of Directors. The employee will not be able to ask questions of the members of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors reserves the right to ask questions of the employee.
4. SeniorAge will submit to the Board of Directors the CEO’s response to the aggrieved party’s request for review of SeniorAge’s decision to award a contract to a different service provider/applicant. SeniorAge will inform the Board of Directors of the outcome of the second step of the appeals process and any other important information. SeniorAge will be given five (5) minutes to present this information to the Board of Directors.
5. After the presentation of information to the SeniorAge Board of Directors by each aggrieved party, each aggrieved party will be given five (5) minutes to rebut any information presented by SeniorAge or other aggrieved party.
6. After each aggrieved party presents its information and rebuttal to the Board of Directors, SeniorAge will have fifteen (15) minutes to present information to the Board of Directors in the form of a rebuttal or other information to help the Board of Directors make an informed decision.
7. The Board of Directors will issue a written decision no more than five (5) business days after the hearing.