The federal Older Americans Act (OAA) is an important safety net for individuals who are at risk economically, medically, and socially. Under this act, Area Agencies on Aging are the local organizations charged with designing and funding systems that prolong independent, meaningful life at home and within communities—avoiding institutional care.
Several factors can create a higher risk for losing an independent life style and possibly being admitted to institutional care. MA4 and the Missouri Area Agencies on Aging have created a new campaign – ONE INCIDENT AWAY – that tells the real life stories of individuals who have benefited from the services of their local Area Agency and afforded the opportunity to remain in their own homes where they wished to be. You can read their stories below.
2 We’re Here When Nobody Else Is
5 Senior Centers Make the Difference
8 Senior Center Provides Needed Help
9 Senior Center Provides Options for Healthy Living
10 Senior Centers Provide Place for Social Acceptance
12 Nutritious Meals Keep Seniors at Home