Let’s continue our adventure into Noodle Knowledge. Yes…that was an awkward
attempt at alliteration. We are discussing Brain Health and how to take care of
our cognitive function.
Your brain needs certain nutrients to stay healthy and function at its best. These
nutrients are absorbed into our bodies, passed into our bloodstream, and travel
to our brain to feed it like a beautiful orchid. How do we obtain these enriching
nutrients? We eat our vegetables. And our fruits. And lean proteins. Yes, your
brain needs a bit of fat to process correctly, but donuts really don’t help. The
wrong kind of fats muddles the whole process. Our diets have a significant impact
on our brain function. Being attentive to what we eat can go a long way to
reducing the risk of cognitive decline.
Another great way to support your brain function is to go to sleep. Some of us
struggle with this. Deep sleep sometimes doesn’t come easy, but you can take
control. Talk to your doctor, who may be able to shed some light on why you are
struggling. Create an environment in your sleep space that is inviting. Practice
good sleep hygiene and turn off your devices about an hour before bed. This
includes TV, computers, and cell phones (it’s not just a kid problem). The blue
light from electronics can impact your sleep. The National Institute on Aging has
other great suggestions to explore at
So, our takeaways today are to eat right and sleep right. It’s easy to allow these
essential elements of your health to become out of balance. Let’s keep working
toward better brain health and increasing our Noodle Knowledge!